With No Apologies To Dan Rather…

Dan Rather
Dan Rather, Scumbag

I’m very pleased to announce that we have an exclusive Free Mp3 Download of our song “C-B.S.“, courtesy of ReverbNation and Microsoft Windows! It’s a great chance to get our music in front of a new audience, and to promote some political common sense at the same time!

Along with our track, you can download (freely and legally) an Mp3 from over 1000 great bands, including some of our favorites Reverend Horton Heat, Fishbone, Poison The Well, The Lemonheads, The Pietasters, The Kottonmouth Kings and our close personal friends Faulty Conscience!

Every computer I have ever owned has been a PC, both at home and in the studio, with Windows (Windows XP x64, to be exact) being my preferred platform for music and video production  and about a million other things,  making it was a natural choice for us to jump at the chance when we were asked to participate in this promotion.

The Murder is a PC
The Murder is a PC

To get your free Mp3, simply follow this link and then click “Download Mp3” (Or “Download M4A”, if you prefer). You can also browse the listings of other artists participating in the promotion. There’s no catch, the downloads are completely free; You’ll see (but not hear) some ads on your screen in addition to the album’s cover art, which is how they keep your new tunes from costing you a cent.

So what do you have to lose? Grab 1000 songs on Microsoft’s dime, I’m sure they won’t mind!


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