The Murder on Sonic Lobotomy #19

THE MURDER – SONIC LOBOTOMY # 19 -PART 1 OF 4 THE MURDER – SONIC LOBOTOMY # 19 -PART 2 OF 4 The Murder are a new band from Boston. They play with fury and rock and roll abandon. Their songs have great hooks. They have a powerful twin guitar attack, with well constructed songs […]

Airwave Attack! Request The Murder!

I’m really happy to report that you can now request our music on many local stations, including WBCN, WAAF, WMBR and WMWM, with more being added every day! We’ve been getting heavy spins on The Late Risers’ Club, weekdays 10am-12pm on WMBR. We’re also going to be on upcoming episodes of Boston Emissions on WBCN […]

TONIGHT: Live Interview on WMWM 91.7FM

Tonight at 9pm The Murder will be appearing live on The Rock N Roll Radio Program on WMWM 91.7FM Salem Stage Radio for an on-air interview. We’re even bringing our acoustics, so who knows, maybe we’ll knock out a song or two. If you’re in the area of coverage (which I understand is quite large) […]

“Soldiers & Senators” Featured on!

Hey all, just found out today that ran an article about us yesterday, featuring our forthcoming single “Soldiers & Senators“. You can view the article here. While you’re there, you should check out the rest of the site, as it attempts to bring some new ideals into the punk scene by making people question […]